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10/19/07 Cyzap's certification management system referred to as 'best in class'
Rather than add our own comments, we thought best to just list this email HR Certification Institute (one of our esteemed client) sent us about ZapCertify - Cyzap Marketing Dept
From: Springer, Cornelia [mailto:Cspringer[at]hrci[dot]org]
Sent: Wed 10/17/2007 1:22 PM
To: Raman Khurana; Gunnit Khurana
Subject: FW: [fa_oa] Re: Seeking tool for tracking continuing education
I thought you all might like to see the email below.
It appears that the online recertification system that you all have created is being referred to as "best in class". Thanks for making us look good.
Cornelia Springer, CAE | Operations Director
HRCI | Direct 703.535.6017 | Fax 703.535.6474
-----Original Message-----
From: Costello, Sara
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 12:27 PM
To: cspringer[at]shrm[dot]org
Subject: FW: [fa_oa] Re: Seeking tool for tracking continuing education
FYI thought you might be interested to see kudos to your group re: re-cert credit tracking tool. It was posted to the ASAE Finance & Admin listserve by someone from IEEE...brace yourself, in case anyone calls!
-----Original Message-----
From: bounce-fa_oa-10642685[at]listsasaenet[dot]org
On Behalf Of E[dot]Davis[at]ieee[dot]org
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 11:05 AM
To: Finance & Business Operations Section - Operations & Administration
Subject: [fa_oa] Re: Seeking tool for tracking continuing education
Hi -- the best tool I've ever seen is used by HRCertification Institute to track
recertification credits for the PHR, GPHR and SPHR for the Society for Human Resource Management. HRCI's learning management system (LMS) is really powerful and really well done. My understanding is they had it built specifically for their own needs, but you might get in touch with
them and begin a dialogue with them. (www.hrci.org)
You might also contact Mark Milroy, CAE at ASAE-The Center as he has a wealth of knowledge about the use of technology for an LMS effort and he might be able to steer you in some interesting directions. (MMilroy[at]asaecenter[dot]org)
Best wishes,
Betsy Davis, SPHR
Staff Director, Human Resources
445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854
(732) 465-6434
(732) 981-1046 (fax)
11/28/05 Cyzap Attends NOCA 2005 Conference

Cyzap, Inc. was an exhibitor at the National Organization for Competency Assurance (NOCA) 2005 Conference held November 16-19, 2006 in Long Beach CA. Cyzap was represented by Gunnit Khurana, President & CEO; Guru Pahwa; and Donna Lynn.
The featured product at the Cyzap booth zapCertify ™ which is an all-inclusive, customizable solution designed for complex organizations that track and manage credentialing information, continuing education, testing, licensure, certifications, competency assurance and regulatory standards.
A conference presentation titled “The RFP Process — The Devil is in the Details” was given by Gunnit Khurana; Denise Fandel, Executive Director, Board of Certification, Inc.; and Linda Lysoby, Executive Director, National Commission for Health Education Credentialing. This presentation emphasized the importance of attention to detail in preparing a RFP for technology solutions.
Cyzap hosted an appreciation dinner for clients at a local restaurant on Friday evening. This evening provided a casual atmosphere for discussion of system functions which benefit each client and of the future needs of credentialing institutions.
The Cyzap team enjoyed the conference as an opportunity to interact with existing and potential clients and looks forward to future contact with NOCA members.

11/01/02 Cyzap to Launch zapCertify - a comprehensive Web-based Credential Information Management System
Cyzap will officially launch its latest Web-based Business Solutions product, zapCertify, at the National Organization of Competency Assurance (NOCA) Conference in Tucson, Arizona, on November 21, 2002.
zapCertify, uses new technologies to redefine the way CRMs function for a competency assurance agency. It represents a new kind of business solution designed to meet the diverse needs of disparate businesses, in a cost effective and time critical manner. It allows you to centrally maintain all your data, for all your stakeholders, including their candidates, credential holders, members, providers, sponsors, educational institutions, regulatory agencies, affiliates, and prospects.
The zapCertify unified online service architecture helps shift the burden of information maintenance to your clients. Using the secure login interface, your clients can access and update their own information right on the web.
With zapCertify, your candidates can apply online, pay their application fee, and register for exams. Credential holders can update their profile, receive newsletters, search providers, view event calendars, and report continuing education. Continuing education providers can register themselves and submit their courses for approval. State boards and employers can verify credentials. zapCertify makes all this work seamlessly while ensuring that you have complete control of your system.
10/07/02 Oklahoma Department of Corrections renews its hosting contract with Cyzap
After a one year pilot of letting Cyzap host and maintain the assessment management system for its 200+ users, Oklahoma Department of Correction concluded that Cyzap had justified its committment on its ASP services and decided to renew the contract for another year.
Kelly Vance, the local administrator of this program in Oklahoma, wrote the following to Cyzap's president:
"Please forgive me, as this thank you letter is way past due. Not only have you and your staff done an outstanding job with the development of your products, but you have also been a pleasure to work with throughout the process"
06/21/02 Prudential Ambassador launches its new site designed by Cyzap
Prudential Ambassador, a leading real-estate company in Omaha, launched its brand new Website where visitors can view all the property listings and agent profiles. The site uses Cyzap's zapProperty application.
10/01/01 Cyzap launches the EZAssess system for the State of Oklahoma
Cyzap is proud to announce the launch of the EZAssess system for the Department of Corrections, State of Oklahoma.
EZAssess is a Comprehensive Web-based Assessment Management System that is used by the DOC,OK to standardize the administration of ASUS and LSI assessments throughout the state of Oklahoma.
It provides a complete tracking of offender profile. The information is shareable amongst the various correction agencies with various levels of security built in to ensure data confidentiality and integrity. The system is highly customizable and allows the creation of queries, reports,and graphs with very little effort.
09/26/01 Cyzap announces zapProperty
Cyzap is proud to announce the release of zapProperty, its newest addition to the zapWare suite of Products. zapProperty is a Comprehensive Listings Management and Publishing Solution for the Web. With zapProperty, you can instantly add, edit, update, and delete your listings on the web.
Cyzap completed its first installation of the product of J.J. Palmtag Real-Estate of Nebraska City, NE allowing the client to centralize its listing management on the Web-site