Home > About Us > Whats New 01/15/15 Cyzap launches candidate and certification system for Board of Pharmacy Specialties
Board of Pharmacy Specialties offers a wide array of advance certifications related to the field of pharmacy. Each certification supports multiple eligibility pathways such as residency route, degree route, and clinical experience route. The board also assesses annual maintenance fee and has unique recertification requirements that include CE, exam, or a combination of both. Some certifications allow CE to be self-reported while others only accept CEs from the approved providers. BPS also offers a one-time recertification extension and exam deferral options to its applicants. It is constantly evaluating new specialties and has been expanding by adding new certifications.
In 2013, BPS launched a rigorous RFP process in search of a credentialing management system and an IT partner that could not only meet its current needs but also have the flexibility and capacity to support its future certifications. After reviewing most of the vendors in this space, it selected ZapCertify 5.0 and awarded the contract to Cyzap in May 2014 with an absolute deadline of launching the system before their Spring 2015 window. Cyzap, with its milestone-based project management and agile developed methodology launched BPS’s system on December 15, 2014 - one-month prior to the opening of the Spring 2015 window. This one-month period allowed BPS staff to get fully comfortable with the system and ensure that all the relevant information was migrated from their previous database. According to BPS’s own acknowledgement, ZapCertify 5.0 has brought all their certification functions under one system, helped get rid of paper-documents and Excel spreadsheets, significantly reduced their manual workload, and is providing them with real-time reports that they could not generate before.